"On November 6, 2012 the most dangerous place to be is between a conservative and a voting machine"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
3rd Party Tea Brewing?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Would You Vote for Sarah In 2012?

Even after months of Media Orgies over the election of Barack Obama, Sarah Palin remains a 'hot commodity' amongst conservatives. There have been so many double standards applied to Sarah Palin over the past year that it is clear, the liberals and the left wing media are scared to death over the prospect of her winning the nomination for the 2012 presidential campaign. Here are just a few:
- Sarah Palin was berated by Katie and Charles respectively in their interviews with her. She was made to seem inexperienced and not qualified to be Vice President.
- Caroline Kennedy was given a complete pass to be appointed interum NY Senator, even though she has no publicly elected experience.
- John Ziggler, who interviewed Sarah Palin and produced a documentary about the media's bias, was arrested at USC recently at the site of the award ceremony for Katie Couric, who received her award for the Palin interview. John was on the sidewalk, away from the entrance, and giving his DVD away to passersby.
- Every misdeed or piece of personal dirt on anyone even remotely connected to Sarah Palin has generated headlines and sound bites in the left media. Giving many people the opportunity to take a swipe at Sarah, to remind all of us again, that they think she is no good for the country.
All the while, Sarah Palin has remained relatively quiet about the unsolicited assaults against herself and her family. So the question is and remains, will Sarah Palin win the Republican nomination in 2012? If so, will she give Barack Obama a run for his money (our money)?
This blogger believes that the answer to both questions is yes. What do you think?
Monday, April 27, 2009
"The King Has No Clothes!"

by David W. Andersen