So Stacy and I started the 6 week body Make over on Oct. 12. I have already lost 8lbs in two weeks and I can just feel the weight falling off. So we will be done just around Thanksgiving time. Probably take a little break from the diet then maintain through Christmas and begin January back on the plan until I reach my goal (180).
Below I have posted a picture about as accurate as I can find of my weight before I started the diet. Here is how the diet works:
Your body is designed to eat smaller portions and more frequent than the 3 squares per day that we have been taught since childhood. This diet starts with the premise of smaller more frequent portions and portions out proteins, carbs, veggies and fruit all across the day. Each body type is different (I am body type 'B' for example) and your body type will determine if you need more proteins or carbs, fruits etc.. but it's all pretty close. The idea is that while you are portioning or 'grazing' as a friend used to call it, you are also restricting the intake of sugar, salt and fat.
If you are curious which body type you are take the quiz
Stacy and I have added to our eating regimen, exercise as well. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday we wake up, drink a protein shake and drive over to LA Fitness where we do a 7 minute warm up, play 2-3 games of very competitive racquetball, and hit the machines for about 10 minutes working just a few muscle groups.
On Tuesday we get up and take a rigorous 30 minute walk around our neighborhood which ends with a 1/4 mile of uphill grade (very nice). Then on Thursday we drive over to Fontana park on Summit Ave where they have built a really nice community park and center. We try not to sit in front of the TV on weekends but focus on home tasks and goals like the yard, garage, and house projects.
Except that I love salt the diet itself is not a huge issue. The first week sucks because, for me at least, my body went through withdrawals and I didn't see a single pound lost until I weighed a week after we started. So 4 days in was the hardest time for me and if I was going to quit, that would have been the day! Thank goodness I have an awesome companion who helped me through it (Stacy of course!)
So by Thanksgiving I am hoping to be down to around 210 or less and break 200 by the end of January (I turn 50 on the 21st). Stacy and I are ready to live at our healthy weights for many years to come.
If you are struggling with your weight, I hope this can serve as an encouragement that 'All Things Are Possible'. I have had issues with my weight since I was 10 years old (my nickname was 'Fat Albert', and this diet has consistently worked for Stacy and I. This is our third time doing this diet and it probably won't be our last.