Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back To The Basics

Back in the 'good ole days' the people nominated and elected regular citizens for public office. Public office was 'a service' and a sacrifice. The pay wasn't very good and there wasn't alot of perks for representing the people. You had to listen to the people and try your best to represent their interests in congress or you were out.

The recent media firestorm of reports on Town Hall meetings is reminding us regular citizens that we really are in charge and we do have the power to replace our representatives when they no longer represent our interests.

Is it just me or do these 'Super Citizens' like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid seem scared to death by normal everyday citizens, who are expressing their opinions which are protected by our constitution? It seems that to protect their positions of power over the people, they are exercising their voices and actions to dismiss our voice, characterizing us as the minority and the political hit group of some stealth arm of a faciast conservative conspiracy. Whew!

Are you tired of putting up with this elitist attitude coming from our "humble" elected representatives? Wanna scare them to death and force them to become radical proponents of the people who elected them? I have a simple plan I call "BACK TO THE BASICS".

Here is how it can happen:

  1. find some regular fair minded citizen in your community and encourage them to run for public office (at any level).

  2. Donate money to their campaign

  3. Get them elected!

Politicians vigorously follow polling data about how people vote and they know when election cycles come around (because they think we are stupid and have short memories), they say and do things that reflect what people are looking for based on the polling data. Then they get elected and do whatever the heck they want until the next election cycle.

What would happen if the polling data showed them that people wanted to vote for non professional politicians? This is something that they could not mimick. Most of these people don't know what it is to stand in line at the pharmacy (or for anything else for that matter). They don't know what it means to cut your grocery budget to pay bills or deny yourself the pleasure of a vacation to make ends meet.

The biggest problem is that while you can have a well funded campaign and still lose, you cannot win without money. Endorsements typically are not going to come to a regular citizen from any political machine because, as a regular guy or girl, you cannot be bribed, controlled or manipulated so .. no money.

But what happens when funding comes from the people because they believe in a candidate and what they are saying? The answer 'Transformation'!

Do your research, get your name on the ballot, get as much media exposure as possible and give it a whirl. What do you have to lose?

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by David W. Andersen